This project is funded
by the European Union
(Marie Curie Actions - IAPP)


Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Technology - Overview

The AMST project was concerned with developing a novel and innovative simulation tool for multi-physics engineering applications that resulted in the paradigm of the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM). The activity was triggered by the fact that a large number of applications include at least two or more multi-physics phenomena that involve continuous and discrete phases.

The University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) and inuTech GmbH (Germany) together with associate partners thus developed advanced multi-physics simulation technology (AMST) as a generic, extendible and versatile interface for coupling the Discrete Particle Method (DPM) to field problems applicable under industrial standards.

The tool has achieved and exceed the objectives as well as anticipated applications’ areas of the project. This also offers a significant advancement for coupled discrete and continuous numerical simulation concepts.

Click here to download the AMST Final report.


Xtended Discrete Element Method

The Luxembourg XDEM Research Centre dedicated to the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) develops advanced simulation technology for multi-physics applications. The Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) is a novel and innovative numerical simulation technique that extends the dynamics of granular materials or particles as described through the classical discrete element method (DEM) by additional properties such as the thermodynamic state, stress/strain, or electromagnetic field for each particle.

For more information visit the XDEM web page.

Success Stories

The publication "Luxembourg participation in European research and innovation projects" is now available online. Consult it on the Luxinnovation and the Horizon 2020 website, where you can also download articles individually.

AMST is an IAPP project

IAPP Project is part of the Marie-Curie Actions (Programme "People") of the European Research Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). They have built up Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) to help public and private research to work together on a joint cooperation programme.

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