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Welcome to inuTech...

Expert Tools ...

inuTech (Innovative Numerical Technologies) is your competent partner for numerical services. Behind inuTech there is a team of innovative and highly qualified employees, possessing many years of research and development experience, as well as profound scientific competence. Here we will show you what we can do for you!

Diffpack - The new generation of simulation software!

inuTech develops and markets the Diffpack Product Line for numerical modeling and solution of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). For more information on Diffpack please consult our official Diffpack web page.

DEA - Dynamical Energy Analysis

A new product to solve your vibro-acoustic problems across the whole frequency range!

Predicting wave energy distributions for short-wavelength vibrations, elastic deformations or acoustic radiation in complex built-up structures is a challenging task.


DiffpackSE - Online Solver

Start now DiffpackSE!

The DiffpackSE (Smart Environment) is made for solving three partial differential equations (PDE) using the Diffpack libraries. It is made for customers with little or no knowledge of Diffpack and C++ programming. The appearance of the graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to build an intuitive and fast work-flow to solve custom problems.

This version of DiffpackSE can solve the Poisson-, Heat- and Wave-Equation with boundary conditions of Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin type.

For further information of the use of Diffpack and programming with Diffpack, see DiffpackSE Documentation.

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